

45. Thus spake the annointed, the holy man, saying: Behold, I give thee a word of justice that shall be for ever more. Amass thy wardrobe as thy treasure, take caution that thy outfit be of the finest design under the sky, and not more than once worn in the same semester.
46. For hark, he whose clothing doth not combine as revealed in the Book of Pigmentation and he who puteth on yesterday's pantaloons with no remorse shall perish in agony on the last day of judgement. A furnace of eternal flames burneth for he who doth not esteem his apparel higher than he doth his neighbour.
47. So repent from thy crooked ways, o son, and receive in thy heart this admonition of wisdom and of love. Humble thyself, cover thy head in soot and in ash. But for this do not wear thy fineries for they will become ashy and sooty beyond repair.

Book of Judgements 31:45-47
when, oh
we agr
ee to this?


Sem tempo

para me co
perdoem o silênci
o, não

é má-vontade.