
Ring ring

estou sim? good afternoon sir am i speaking to mister [enter proper noun, +human, +male]? yes, [enter proper noun, +human, +male] speaking. sir i am calling from [enter brand name, +air-carrier, +trying-to-be-all-modern-fun-and-alternative] i apologise sir but your flight to [enter proper noun, -human, +attractive-city] on wednesday had to be cancelled and we will have to re-book you would you like to leave two days earlier or two days later? i... well, i... mm, in fact... would monday be suitable for you sir? well, i guess... if there's no... guess it'd have to be monday, i... i will book you on monday then sir thank you. i will send you an updated itinerary by email later today is that alright sir? well, i... thank you sir have a nice day sir and thank you for flying [enter brand name, +air-carrier, +trying-to-be-all-modern-fun-and-alternative].

5 comentários:

raquel disse...

Adorei!!!! (mas afinal para onde foste tu?)

H. Cardoso disse...

Ós-tralha. :)

mb disse...

Ó céus!! Foste mesmo mesmo lá???
amazing :) e mais fotos disso?

H. Cardoso disse...

Mesmo mesmo. :)

As fotos estão no forno, não tarda nada ficam prontas.

AP disse...

Ós-tralha é lindo!