

in the dark lurks a black deity and don't you forget. behind the metal wall before the metal war in gloomy garden sheds beneath every stiff petal of the compass rose. under the sand of the gobi and the sand of the negev throbbing in the clangor of coins ahead of every torch and in its wake between the closed pages of holy books there breeds a pustule of upcoming defeat. don't look so shocked. please please don't look so shocked. the inside of every living skull after all lies in permanent shade.

7 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

beautiful lines...if i get a wish to choose what next in next life...i'll choose your profession...
though i know...the pains of traveling...but inside of brain always remains in shade...

H. Cardoso disse...

Pains of traveling? Not for me, oh no sir...

eradumvelhinho disse...

Pergunta que me assolou a mente ontem: tu ainda tens contigo o colchão de dar à bomba?

H. Cardoso disse...

Efectivamente, a tua mente tem caminhos insondáveis... Já não tenho o colchão. Teve um final terrível, pobrezinho, furado e inerte numa esquina obscura de Amesterdão.

eradumvelhinho disse...

Ohhhh.Agora deixaste-me triste. Furado? Inerte? Numa esquina? Aiiiii se ele falasse. Tanta que ele diria!!! Tanto que ele conspiraria!! Exijo um inquérito apurado para se saber como foi possível tal destino!!

robert disse...

black deity might be so, yet may i point out that, by all means of direct observation, i do not have a head, or at the very least one that is quite unlike the model that everybody else appears to be sporting these days. they are roundish things, these heads (i observe), with a considerable number of openings and even actual cavities (some of which may further contain liquids), three rather prominent and somewhat bizarre protrusions, and hair sprouting nearly all over. now while it cannot be denied that my body shows considerable similarities with others' bodies (in particular for comparisons from the male department), the same does not go for heads, similarities end at shoulder height. while something like hair appears to be above me, i do not see such roundish object, nor any openings, nor even any trace of the aforementioned three probosces that should be my due. instead, there is a weird shadow in my field of vision, jumping nervously from one side to the other, it makes me all queasy if i watch it for too long, i've never seen anything like it on other people, i hope it's not anything serious...
mirrors? get out of town, but that's not direct observation anymore, that's more like an experiment, but what precisely grants your axiomatic assumption that such a tool might show you anything of even remote verisimilitude? i have no head.
so pray, what is it exactly that i might have to fear from an encounter with aforementioned black deity?

H. Cardoso disse...

Please forgive my scepticism, dear friend. I admit I may be inextricably bound to the world as I see it, incapable of considering alternate realities despite my sincere effort. And yet, I cannot help but wonder: if you lack the appendix one usually labels "head", you probably do not possess its usual sub-appendices. Do you follow? Do explain, I therefore beseech you, what field of vision is that you refer to. Do expand on the relevance of mirrors. Do enlighten us, I earnestly request. No pun intended.